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Essay/Term paper: Dreaming problems

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Dreaming Problems

A large epidemic affecting approximately one in two Americans, according
to a Gallup survey, is sleeping difficulty. This difficulty can come in one of
many different forms. Problems falling asleep, grogginess after sufficient
amounts of sleep, or waking suddenly and not being able to fall back asleep are
the most common of the problems that occur in Americans. I shall explain in my
report, the importance of sleep, differences in types of sleep, the approximate ³
reccomended daily amount² of sleep, variables that may affect sleep, and some
simple tips to aide you in attaining effective slumber.
Why, exactly is sleep necessary? Sleep is more than a period of rest
for the brain, in fact, it is just the opposite. As you sleep, your body
repairs itself, and your psyche repairs itself, also. According to the Gallup
poll, people who don¹t have problems sleeping, are able to cope with problems
easier, concentrate better, and finish tasks more adequitely. Lack of sleep can
cause memory, learning, reasoning and calulation functions to decrease in
efficiency. Lack of sleep can lead to illness and psychiatric problems also.
An approximate 200,000 auto accidents are probably caused by sleep hindrence,
and also, an estimate was made that sleep deprivation and work cost the economy
one hundred fifty thousand dollars.
Amount of sleep necessary depends upon the individual. Some are ready
to go with six hours of sleep, while others can¹t function without nine. If a
person feels unable to stay focused during monotonous or boring work, it is
possible they may need more sleep. Also, need for sleep doesn¹t decline with
age, it just may be more difficult to retain the ablility to sleep, as one may
lose vision or hearing.
Sleep is not just a time of relaxation and rest for the body. In fact,
the body is doing as much (almost) when asleep (sometimes) as when awake. There
are, in fact, five stages of sleep. They include four stages of relaxation and
one of dreaming. The dreaming stage, REM, is one where the body is paralyzed,
and the brain is afire with activity. Your mind creates scenarios for you, and
has usually four or five per night.
Some factors that may affect your sleep are as follows. There are a
great many possiblile variables in sleep deprivation, and are usually the cause
of insomnia. Stress in the workplace, home, social situation, or anywhere else
is the number one cause of sleeping distress. Alcohol or caffiene in the
afternoon or evening can severly alter sleep habits. Physical or mentally
intense activities can cause sleep deprivation or difficulty also. Workers on
shifts are shown to be two to five times more likely to fall asleep on the job
than regular hours workers. External factors like sounds, smells, or
discomfortable variables in a sleep environment can hinder sleep. Arthritis or
other biological conditions or problems fall in the last category. Certain
medicines and steroids can cause sleeping problems as side effects from their
designated purpose.
Anyone exposed to any of the above factors can be at risk to sleep
deprivation. Basically, anyone can fall victim to sleep In any case of sleep
If a problem persists, it is best to consult a physician. Try to use
some of the following easy techinques for possibile eradication of sleep
deprivation. If you cannot remove it with the simple suggestions below, or
cannot do it quicly, it is best to consult a physician.

-Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol in the late afternoon and evening. -
Exercise regularly, but do so at least three hours before bedtime. -If you have
trouble sleeping when you go to bed, don't nap during the day -Establish a
regular, relaxing bedtime routine that will allow you to unwind and send a
"signal" to your brain that it's time to sleep. -Don't use your bed for
anything other than sleep or sex. -If you can't go to sleep after 30 minutes,
don't stay in bed tossing and turning. Get up and involve yourself in a relaxing
activity, such as listening to soothing music or reading, until you feel sleepy.


All information recieved from the internet at: http://www.outsidein.co.uk/


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